Drug Take Back Day
Safely dispose of all unwanted, unneeded or expired medications. Participants may dispose of solid, non-liquid medication(s) by removing the medication from its container and disposing of it directly into a disposal box or into a clear sealable plastic bag. Blister packages are acceptable without the medications being removed. Liquids, cream and sprays must be in their original packaging.
- prescription (controlled and non-controlled)
- over-the-counter medications
- ointments, patches, non-aerosol sprays, and inhalers
- creams, vials, and pet medications
DO NOT bring:
- illegal drugs, needles/sharps, or aerosol cans
- bio-hazardous materials (anything containing bodily liquid or blood)
- mercury thermometers or personal care products (shampoo, soaps, lotions, sunscreens, etc.)
- household hazardous waste (paint, pesticides, oil, gas, and no acids)
Learn more at DoseOfRealityWI.gov