Local Resources

Elmbrook Senior Taxi

Need a ride to a club or activity, doctor appointment, or just to go shopping? Call the Elmbrook Senior Taxi. The Taxi is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturday, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Serving the Town and City of Brookfield, Elm Grove, and Butler and selected hospitals and medical facilities on Hwy 100. Riders with a county taxi card receive a discount.

Also, Senior Meals are available at the Senior Center at 2000 N. Calhoun Rd. for just $1.00 per person with authorization from ADRC.

Call (262) 785-1200 one day (24 hours) in advance to make your reservations.

Elmbrook Humane Society

The mission of the Elmbrook Humane Society is to promote the human-animal bond through adoption and education, to provide shelter to homeless animals, and to prevent animal cruelty and neglect. For more information on the Elmbrook Humane Society, call (262) 782-9261 or visit https://ebhs.org/.

Elmbrook Humane Society is the town’s Animal Control Specialists. If you have an animal issue, contact EBHS directly at (262) 782-9261. Contact them if you find a stray or injured animal or to see if they already have your lost pet. You can also check them out at https://ebhs.org/

In addition to companion animal adoptions and surrenders, EBHS is available for the pick up of stray animals, injured wildlife, and to handle animal related emergencies and complaints, 24 hours a day. Do not hesitate to contact EBHS for any assistance.

The Elmbrook Humane Society will be open on Sundays from 11 am – 5 pm, and closed for viewing on Thursdays. The shelter will still be available on Thursdays for animal surrenders, donation drop-offs, and injured/stray animal pick-ups.

The new Sunday viewing hours are meant to accommodate families and other guests who aren’t able to make it to the shelter during weekdays. The new hours start the first week of June and will be Monday – Friday 1 – 6 pm, Saturday and Sunday 11 am – 5 pm, and closed Thursdays and holidays.

Fair Housing

The basic concept of fair housing is that every person has the same fundamental right to purchase, lease or occupy residential real property.

Under federal and state law, no person shall be subjected to discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin in the sale, rental or advertising of dwellings, in the provision of brokerage services, or in the availability of residential real estate-related transactions. Also, code prohibits discrimination based on age, height, weight, sexual orienation, student status, use of adaptive devices or aids and legal source of income

The Town of Brookfield is committed to furthering fair housing by upholding the law and educating the public about their rights under the law.

Newspaper Posting

The Waukesha Freeman is the official newspaper for legal postings of the Town of Brookfield.


Brookfield Public Library

The Brookfield Public Library provides a wide variety of materials, services and programs for people of all ages. Learn more at https://www.ci.brookfield.wi.us/library.cfm

Bridges Library System

Bridges Library System is a state funded library system in southeastern Wisconsin. The library system provides a variety of services to its 24 member libraries. Our mission: The Bridges Library System strengthens member libraries by fostering collaboration and innovation. Learn more at https://bridgeslibrarysystem.org/.

Waukesha County

Waukesha County, the state’s 3rd largest, is situated in beautiful southeast Wisconsin. It includes 37 municipalities within 576 square miles of suburban and rural areas. From beautiful park space and pristine lakes to exceptional roadways and renowned public safety infrastructure, Waukesha County government is a critical component to ensuring and maintaining the high quality of life that our residents expect and visitors enjoy.

Waukesha County offers something for everyone. Whether you are looking for a new place to live, a new job, or great recreation, Waukesha County is the place for you. Learn more at https://www.waukeshacounty.gov/.

Waukesha Metro Transit

Waukesha Metro Transit operates service throughout the Waukesha area and also administers Waukesha County Transit. The Waukesha Metro Transit operates out of the Downtown Transit Center located at 212 E. St. Paul Ave. Learn more at https://www.waukesha-wi.gov/residents/getting_around/public-transportation.php.

License Plate Renewal

When you receive your License Plate Renewal Notice, take a close look at the “Vehicle Kept In” line. It is very important that it says: COUNTY OF WAUKESHA, TOWN OF BROOKFIELD.

Many of our Waukesha and even Brookfield addresses aren’t displaying correctly and it means portions of state shared revenue are not going to the town. The address is also used for determining the town population. Let’s get our share and be counted!

To change your information, go to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WDOT) website at: https://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/online-srvcs/other-servs/vki.aspx.

Winter Reminders

Per Town Ordinance, remember that parking is not allowed AT ANY TIME from November 1 – April 30. Violators will be ticketed and towed.

In addition, it is illegal to plow driveways and sidewalks across any roadways. Make sure to keep snow on your property to ensure the safety of our DPW employees and resident drivers.