Winter Ready Information


Ready For Winter?

The primary goal of our snow and ice program is to provide the public with a safe roadway system, regardless of winter weather conditions. The Public Works Department has been working diligently on the fleet and is ready for the upcoming winter season. The Department’s goal is to have all streets cleared in an 8 to 10 hour period after a normal snowfall event. However, please understand that it will take longer for snow events over 6 inches or more and equipment availability.

The Town has established a priority plowing system for its roadways so that main traffic routes and thoroughfares such as Davidson Road, Watertown Road, Brookfield Road and Janacek Drive are plowed first followed by side streets and cul-de-sacs. During light snow events the department crews will plow and salt these roadways first and then move into subdivision streets. During heavy snow events the department crews will plow and salt main roadways more often than side roads leaving more time between side street plowing. The department has six patrol trucks, two loaders and a pickup truck to accomplish snow removal in the Town.  The Town would like to remind residents of the following tips to make winter snow removal operations safer and more efficient for all:

  • There is no parking on Town roads from November 1 through April 30. Vehicles parked on the roadways are a hazard to other motorists, plow drivers and the equipment. It also leaves areas of snow ice in the roadway where the vehicle was parked and dangerous conditions.
  • Property owners are responsible for snow removal in commercial parking lots, driveways, mail boxes, fire hydrants and public sidewalks adjoining their homes and businesses.
  • Shoveling or plowing snow into a public roadway creates a dangerous condition for passing motorists and pedestrians. This is a town code violation.
  • Help your neighbors. For many residents age and medical conditions make it difficult to shovel snow without risking health.
  • When approaching a snow plow vehicle, give them room to do their job.
  • Report mailbox or lawn damage from snow plows to the town hall at (262) 796-3788.
  • If there is a fire hydrant on, or near, your property, please remember to keep it free from snow during the winter months. In doing so, you could save your home, your neighbor’s home, or possibly lives!

For more information on the Town of Brookfield’s snow removal program you can call the Department of Public Works at (262) 796-3795.

  • Superintendent Scott Hartung